Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Of the four collages, i think the first collage shows us what true happiness is. It is because God is in all things and that includes him. Also, the collage includes things that make humans truly happy; like life, friends, appreciation, and caring for others. The other collages invluded things that make us temporarily happ, like alchohol, lust, and food.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The desire for God and His desire for us

The desire for God and His desire for us.

Our desire for God is natural, God made us so that through free will we can choose whether to follow

Him or not. Sin turns us away from God and therefore we desire less.  God's desire for us is

supernatural. That is because God isn't an earthly being, He is a heavenly being. So His love for us

can not possibly be achieved by a natural being. Therefore His love for us is supernatural.